At Brix Wellness, we treat many pregnant clients preparing for their upcoming labour and delivery. Clients may be seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist, an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, a massage therapist, or a naturopathic physician during their pregnancy as a part of their care.
Now Brix Wellness also rents TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machines that are specific for obstetric use!
TENS machines have been around for a long time and can help people manage their pain
successfully. Little sticky electrode pads can stick on the skin of your lower back, and then the machine can apply a gentle electric ‘buzz’. The nerves from the skin can carry this ‘buzz’
message to your brain faster than some other pain messages, so you perceive less discomfort.
Using TENS During Labour in Pregnancy
The Elle TENS 2 machine is specifically for use during labour. A birthing person or their support person can hit a button as a contraction starts, and the ‘buzz’ starts and lasts through the contraction. Hit the button again when the contraction is over. This new device includes a contraction timer, too!
How it works:
Come into the Royal Oak clinic and ask to rent the TENS for maternity care. The $85 rental includes new electrodes just for you, and you can have the unit for up to 5 weeks, have an awesome birth experience, and return the unit after your birth!
Any risks?
Folks with a pacemaker cannot use this device. Also, it cannot be used in water. So if you want to use it before a shower or after being in the birthing tub, that’s great, but NOT during any time in the water.
If you need help understanding how to use the device, or to learn if it would be helpful as a part of your labour plans, we recommend you book an appointment with our pelvic floor physiotherapist Meggan Oliver, to review comfort measures and check out the TENS device.