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The Tools You Need

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)?

MLD is a rhythmical and precise massage technique performed gently on the skin with the therapist’s hands and is used to facilitate the flow of lymphatic fluid encouraging drainage of excess fluid from the body tissues.  (Don’t worry, no fluid is physically coming out of your body during treatment!)  It is a very safe and effective technique that is useful for many conditions where lymphatic flow may be compromised.

Who can benefit from MLD?

Most people actually!

MLD is probably most known for helping with primary lymphedema (those born with impairment or insufficiency of their lymphatic system) or secondary lymphedema (which can be caused from a variety of different things.)  Most people know of lymphedema as ‘swollen limbs’ which can range from mild to severe and can often be caused from damage to lymphatic vessels through surgical trauma, lymph node removal and / or radiation.


Lymphatic drainage may also help with:

  • Alleviating muscle & joint pain

  • Promoting healing of injuries

  • Whiplash

  • Headaches

  • Chronic conditions

  • Minimizing scar formation

  • Venous insufficiency (for example if you get swollen limbs when flying, sitting, or standing all day)

  • Supporting and enhancing the immune system

  • Relaxation of the sympathetic nervous system thus helping to relieve stress

  • Sinus congestion

  • Cosmetic disorders / skin conditions

  • Gynecological disorders

  • Pregnancy edema

Treatment for lymphedema may also include specific exercises prescribed by your therapist, breathing techniques, compression, bandaging or referral to a certified garment fitter to help maintain the size of the limb.  Your therapist will discuss with you if a decongestive phase or bandaging is necessary or recommended.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage: Service
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